Have you noticed that more and more prospect meetings are being held by conference call? With technology hiccups, people talking over each other and calls that drop, how do we make sure that the time we spend on these calls is the most productive time possible? Time...
Best Practices
Calculating Your Sales Cycle
Sales take time to close. Whether you’re launching a new business or growing an established one, the ideal time for a closed sale is usually “yesterday.” But we all know that’s not how life works. There is a tremendous benefit, however, in being able to predict how...
The New Sales Paradigm – Finding New Clients Virtually
The biggest sales challenge companies now face Most companies face a consistent challenge when it comes to sales. Those responsible for business development either don’t have the skills to get in with the right decision makers or their time is better spent on closing...
3 Words That Get Silent Prospects to Respond
You speak with a prospect who tells you he/she is interested in your services. You’ve contacted that person many times (all the while using the 3 P’s of prospect follow up – Persistence with Patience without being a Pest) with no answer…now what? Are they no longer...
When You Can’t Get the Sale to Close
Have you ever had a great initial prospect meeting, followed up diligently and then despite your best efforts, can’t get the sale to close? It’s a frustrating part of sales and it happens to almost everyone. Here are some tips to help you keep the sale moving. Ask...
PODCAST: How To Phone Your Way To A Strong, Full Sales Pipeline
The phone is an incredibly powerful sales tool which is underused and underestimated. Its power lies in the intimacy a phone call creates. The buyer is letting you right into their personal space, speaking directly into their ear.
PODCAST: Learn the fastest way to set the initial meeting with your prospective clients
In this episode, you will learn the fastest way to set the initial meeting with your prospective clients. Caryn Kopp, Chief Door Opener of Kopp Consulting, has successfully helped Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies achieve this for over twenty years. ...
Expert Jack Daly endorses Kopp’s Door Opener® Service
“We have finally found an outsource Door Opening Service that works!” Jack Daly is a sales and sales management expert who has led sales forces numbering in the thousands, operating out of hundreds of offices nationwide. Click below to hear Jack discuss how the Door...
Taking Care of Your Pipeline
Caring for your pipeline means nurturing your leads so that they move from one step of your sales process to the next. Suppose you’ve had a meeting with a prospect who is interested in your services but, doesn’t need you right away. What kinds of communication will...
What is Business Development?
Next time you’re in a room full of business owners, try asking ten of them to define business development. Chances are, you’ll get ten different answers. Some might use the term interchangeably with “marketing,” while others think of business development as whatever...
Protect Your Pipeline!
Some business leaders think their office building is their company’s most important asset and others think it’s their intellectual property. I believe your pipeline is your company's most important asset. If you want to avoid unnecessary peaks and valleys in yearly...
When Your Solution Is Not the Right Fit
Picture this: you’re meeting with your dream prospect. It’s the meeting which took months to land, the one which could lead you to make your challenging sales goals this year. As the conversation progresses and the prospect shares more about what he needs, you start...