Leading experts in sales and leadership endorse Chief Door Opener® Caryn Kopp and her programs.
International speaker and author on sales and sales management
Hear Jack Daly discuss how the Door Opener Service helps companies grow.
“If you truly have the closers that you think you do, and they’re spending a disproportionate amount of their time in activities that have nothing to do with closing, then you need to get in touch with the Door Opener team. They act like your own Salesforce and they gain appointments with new prospects. They operate at an exceptional sales level.”
“How can I get more of what Kopp’s doing to help my clients?”
Expert Verne Harnish endorses Caryn Kopp and her programs
Verne Harnish is the founder of Gazelles, which provides global executive education and coaching for business leaders who are serious about scaling and is the founder of the world-renowned Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO).
Verne has spoken in support of Kopp’s Door Opener Service to his audiences as a keynote speaker. At an event where over 300 CEO’s were gathered, he introduced Caryn as “the guru in the room” referring to her ability to get her clients more of the right meetings. Kopp’s The Path to the Cash! and Biz Dev Done Right webinars are offered on Gazelle’s Growth Institute so leaders can learn from her.