For over 25 years we have been opening the right doors and helping clients grow sales.
Seasoned Door Openers, the rare kind of sales hunter who loves the part of the job most others hate. They possess high level analytical skills, the ability to influence powerful, busy people and the experience to do it right. When most others give up or get shut down, they get in. Each has a minimum of 10 years’ business development experience and many have been corporate decision makers. They also can provide guidance on the best sales practices for better meetings and closing in less time.
Sales Messaging Strategists with deep business development experience design the approach and the language using trademarked methodology which captures the attention of the right prospects.
Experienced Researchers use the best tools build prospect lists, verify contact information and find the unfindable, arming our skilled Door Openers with information to efficiently deliver the right meetings.
Note from Caryn Kopp:
Someone once said, “Only 1% of all sales people are truly gifted at opening prospect doors” and I said, “I agree and they all work here!”
If you’re not getting all the prospect meetings you want, this issue is not going to solve itself.
We can help you. Call us. 908.781.7546 or contact us online.