How Sellers Can Spend More Time Selling

Leaders, if you are serious about generating more revenue and growing your overall sales number year over year, your sellers need to spend more time selling. While this seems a simple and obvious concept, few companies get it right. In this episode of Sales B12®, Jacky Daly and Caryn Kopp, identify what steals time from selling, which sales tasks sellers should not do and discuss how dividing sales roles can dramatically accelerate success.

Listen to learn:

  • The culprit which steels 50-75% of seller time from selling
  • How 1+1 can equal 4 when you divide sales roles
  • Which sales tasks sellers should stop doing
  • Who can do the low-payoff activities which must be done

When sellers are maniacally focused on gaining new customers and growing the ones they have, you can sit back and watch the magic happen!

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