Sales Process

Personalization Counts When Prospecting

Personalization Counts When Prospecting

It sounds like a no-brainer, doesn’t it? We personalize our conversations all day long with the people we know. It comes to us as naturally as reaching for our first cup of coffee in the morning. Yet, in all my years of selling and coaching others to sell,...

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Landing (and keeping) the 2nd Meeting!

Landing (and keeping) the 2nd Meeting!

After working hard to find the right prospect and having a great first meeting, you want to be sure the second meeting happens (and in the shortest timeframe possible)! Below are our Door Openers’ best practices for keeping the conversation moving. 1. Date & Time....

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Calculating Your Sales Cycle

Calculating Your Sales Cycle

Sales take time to close. Whether you’re launching a new business or growing an established one, the ideal time for a closed sale is usually “yesterday.” But we all know that’s not how life works. There is a tremendous benefit, however, in being able to predict how...

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The New Sales Paradigm – Finding New Clients Virtually

The New Sales Paradigm – Finding New Clients Virtually

The biggest sales challenge companies now face Most companies face a consistent challenge when it comes to sales. Those responsible for business development either don’t have the skills to get in with the right decision makers or their time is better spent on closing...

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Expert Jack Daly endorses Kopp’s Door Opener® Service

“We have finally found an outsource Door Opening Service that works!” Jack Daly is a sales and sales management expert who has led sales forces numbering in the thousands, operating out of hundreds of offices nationwide. Click below to hear Jack discuss how the Door...

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