Getting New Sellers To Deliver Results Faster

Leaders who hire new sellers always want them to deliver results yesterday. They often misjudge how long the hiring process takes and then become frustrated by how long the onboarding process takes. In this episode of Sales B12®, Sales Experts Caryn Kopp, and Jack...

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Sales Acceleration Through Economic Uncertainty

Sales Acceleration Through Economic Uncertainty

In this world, one thing is certain: uncertainty. Weather, financial markets, politics, pandemics, war, and everything in between invariably cause disruptions in our lives and businesses. Strangely, life goes on amid all the chaos; buyers still need to buy, and...

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How to Use a Sales Playbook to Clone Your Top Sellers

How to Use a Sales Playbook to Clone Your Top Sellers

Sports teams run better than most businesses, and it's because they do two things that sales teams do very poorly or not at all: build playbooks that outline best-practice strategies to win and practice it relentlessly. Jack Daly literally wrote the book on Sales...

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Sales Analytics You Need to Watch

Sales Analytics You Need to Watch

(Caryn Kopp) Hi everybody. I'm Caryn Kopp, Chief Door Opener, and I'm here with the incredible Jack Daly. This is Sales B12™, the 10-minute dose of sales you don't want to miss. Today, we're talking about the metrics you need to watch for the best sales effectiveness....

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Top Strategies to Land More Sales Meetings

Top Strategies to Land More Sales Meetings

Introduction Hi, my name is Jack Daly, and my partner here is Caryn Kopp; and we’re bringing you Sales B12™. And when I talk about B12, I’m talking about that steady dose of vitamins that will enable you to win more business, grow your company, and differentiate...

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