What My Dad Taught Me About Sales and Life

What My Dad Taught Me About Sales and Life

April marks the anniversary of my dad’s passing. I think often about the ways he influenced me over the years. He owned his own business and was in sales for most of his entire career. One of my favorite stories about him takes place early in his career when he was...

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Do you have a (professional) New Year’s resolution?

Do you have a (professional) New Year’s resolution?

Many make personal resolutions to ring in the New Year. But have you considered making a professional resolution as well? Each year business leaders and upper management set annual goals that often include things like 'grow top-line revenue' or 'meet more prospects'...

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Not Getting Enough Prospect Meetings? Here’s Why!

Not Getting Enough Prospect Meetings? Here’s Why!

If I had a dime for every business leader who says, “When we are in front of the right prospects we close sales most of the time, we just need to get in front of more prospects!” I would be a VERY wealthy woman. Why hold off making changes or trying something new that...

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The 5 Planks of Door Opening Success

The 5 Planks of Door Opening Success

The perfect pipeline includes a consistent incoming flow of new prospect relationships with the exact right decision makers. Most business leaders and sellers say they can close sales most the time when they are in front of the right prospects. The problem is they...

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The New Sales Paradigm – Finding New Clients Virtually

The New Sales Paradigm – Finding New Clients Virtually

The biggest sales challenge companies now face Most companies face a consistent challenge when it comes to sales. Those responsible for business development either don’t have the skills to get in with the right decision makers or their time is better spent on closing...

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What is Business Development?

What is Business Development?

Next time you’re in a room full of business owners, try asking ten of them to define business development. Chances are, you’ll get ten different answers. Some might use the term interchangeably with “marketing,” while others think of business development as whatever...

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Is Your Seller Maniacally Methodical?

Is Your Seller Maniacally Methodical?

Is the salesperson you rely on to meet your goals (perhaps it’s you!) maniacally methodical? After running a company for almost 20 years whose primary focus is to get our clients in the door with their important prospects (Door Opener® Service), that’s what we’ve...

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When Your Solution Is Not the Right Fit

When Your Solution Is Not the Right Fit

Picture this: you’re meeting with your dream prospect. It’s the meeting which took months to land, the one which could lead you to make your challenging sales goals this year. As the conversation progresses and the prospect shares more about what he needs, you start...

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