Over the last year I’ve heard several stories about lost sales opportunities. Many occurred as a direct result of post-conference oversights that could have been avoided. It happens too often. Join me by shaking your head as you read the story below. Then, vow to...
Conference Conundrums: Why Businesses Should Rethink Spending on Networking Events That Don’t Deliver and Redirect Funds to Sales Initiatives Instead
As a business leader, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of attending the networking event you hear about. After all, conferences and trade shows offer opportunities for networking, learning, and staying ahead of trends. But let's be honest—those ticket...
Is There Cheese Down that Tunnel?
Even with a team of rock star sellers, it can be very tricky to figure out the exact recipe for business development that works for your company. The world seems to offer every kind of business development program imaginable – email marketing without calls, email...
What To Do When A LinkedIn Introduction Stalls
One of the limitations of LinkedIn introductions is that you are at the mercy of the person doing the introducing. You have no control over how quickly your contact introduces you and you have no control over when you receive a response. To avoid what can feel like...
These Six Sentences Are Key to Leaving a Voicemail
It was a very busy Monday at Kopp Consulting. As I was going through each task on my checklist, I needed to call a potential client. But before I even picked up the phone, I prepared what I would say if I reached his voicemail instead of him. No matter how busy I am,...
Deepen Your Relationship with Centers of Influence
Networking, whether it is in person, via Linked In or in another manner, can have a lasting effect on future referrals. This is your opportunity to deepen the relationship with Centers of Influence. If done properly and with sincerity, you can have a referral source...
Spotting Sales Imposters
Simply put, 100 percent of the top performers prepare, while imposters are content to improvise. This is not just true in business; you see it in everything from sports to politics and the performing arts. Olympic gymnasts train thousands of hours for four minutes of...
What Corporate Prospects Really Want From You When You Are Networking, Part 2
As mentioned in Part 1 of this series, I recently had the privilege of spending time with some high level Fortune 500 corporate prospects. Knowing they hold the key to my clients’ successes, I asked them what they like and don’t like about their interactions with...
What Corporate Prospects Really Want from You When You’re Networking, Part 1
I recently had the privilege of spending time with some high level, Fortune 500 corporate prospects. We met at a conference which was designed to help potential suppliers meet and develop new relationships with Decision Makers. The opportunity arose for me to sit with...
Consistency or Else! Stories of Lost Sales
Consistency earns the respect of decision makers, a necessity for growing relationships that lead to sales. On a flight to Dallas, I met a high level decision maker from a Fortune 500 company. I asked her what she liked and didn’t like about sales people to get her...
Know Your Decision Maker
I was recently asked, “What is your single favorite piece of sales advice?” Here it is. Have a healthy respect and empathy for decision makers. These days decision makers are doing more than just their jobs. In the corporate world, many companies are still adjusting...