Clean Up At Conferences with 3 Overlooked Sales Strategies

Clean Up At Conferences with 3 Overlooked Sales Strategies

Over the last year I’ve heard several stories about lost sales opportunities. Many occurred as a direct result of post-conference oversights that could have been avoided. It happens too often. Join me by shaking your head as you read the story below. Then, vow to...

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Making Sales Playbooks Work For You

Making Sales Playbooks Work For You

This article is not about whether it’s important to have a playbook…it’s important. If you don’t have one, do your company a big favor and take the time to get it done. Rather, this article is about what is sometimes missing from playbooks which is crucial for getting...

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When to Give Up on a Prospect

When to Give Up on a Prospect

When decision makers say, “No thank you," should you keep trying or cut your losses?  My experience is that as long as the prospect is someone whom your research indicates is an “A” level prospect there is no reason to give up, unless you receive new information that...

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Using the “Assume Close” Strategy to Open Doors

Using the “Assume Close” Strategy to Open Doors

The "Assume Close" strategy when opening doors has proven exceptionally successful, especially when working on securing meetings with difficult to reach corporate decision makers. Most recently, one of our Door Openers® used it and booked a meeting with a high level...

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Getting Prospects to “Hello!”

Getting Prospects to “Hello!”

Did you have as many new prospect meetings as you wanted in the last 12 months? If not, why not? And, most importantly, what will you do differently in the next 12 months that will yield better results? If you didn't get as many meetings as you wanted it's important...

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Not Getting Enough Prospect Meetings? Here’s Why!

Not Getting Enough Prospect Meetings? Here’s Why!

If I had a dime for every business leader who says, “When we are in front of the right prospects we close sales most of the time, we just need to get in front of more prospects!” I would be a VERY wealthy woman. Why hold off making changes or trying something new that...

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Getting the Most from Prospect Meetings

Getting the Most from Prospect Meetings

It's not easy to get a meeting with a decision maker. So when you have one, it had better go well! Have you ever finished a meeting and wished you achieved a better outcome, gotten further into the discussion or secured better next steps? We call this "the valuable...

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Landing (and keeping) the 2nd Meeting!

Landing (and keeping) the 2nd Meeting!

After working hard to find the right prospect and having a great first meeting, you want to be sure the second meeting happens (and in the shortest timeframe possible)! Below are our Door Openers’ best practices for keeping the conversation moving. 1. Date & Time....

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Get the Prospect Meetings You Want

Get the Prospect Meetings You Want

Did you ever wonder why some sellers can get the “difficult to get” prospect meetings and others can’t?  These are the meetings with high level, hard to reach prospects. Do you have some of these prospects on your wish list? Imagine what meeting these people could do...

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Three Proven Strategies to Prevent Prospect Silence

Three Proven Strategies to Prevent Prospect Silence

  In sales, there is nothing more frustrating than waiting to hear back from a prospect. We’ve all been there—spent time researching a potential client, had great meetings, agreed on next steps and then nothing, nada, just silence. Rather than dealing with prospect...

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Jump Start Relationships During Virtual Prospect Meetings!

Jump Start Relationships During Virtual Prospect Meetings!

Have you noticed that more and more prospect meetings are being held by conference call? With technology hiccups, people talking over each other and calls that drop, how do we make sure that the time we spend on these calls is the most productive time possible? Time...

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