It’s NOT Over – There’s Still Time to Ignite Sales Growth This Year!

It’s NOT Over - There’s Still Time to Ignite Sales Growth This Year!

Executive decision-makers have until year’s end to make things happen before their reviews. Not only do they need to complete initiatives on their list to get their bonuses and great scores, but also, those looking for promotions must showcase themselves to management. Further, many decision-makers have to use their yearly budgets before they lose their yearly budgets. What does this mean for business leaders and salespeople? Opportunity!! Below are ideas we’ve found successful in capturing opportunities while helping corporate decision-makers achieve their goals.

Show them you care

Put in a good word with your clients’ bosses or top brass — by mentioning the bang-up results they’ve achieved when working with you. The more job security your key contacts have, the better for you — and they’re certain to find out that you’ve been raving about them to higher-ups.

Help clients use it, not lose it. 

Suggest that your customers fund a first-quarter initiative or pilot program using unspent dollars from this year’s budget. It’s a good way to open the door to larger projects while helping decision-makers protect next year’s budget. Proposing this idea to inactive customers can help reignite those relationships.

Now is a perfect time. 

Have any of your prospects said “yes” to your competitor instead of you? How sure are you that they still feel they’ve made a good decision? For many decision-makers, the 4th quarter can be a time of reflection on the outcome of the choices they made throughout the year. One seller recently told me she wasn’t chosen for a big RFP (request for proposal). She had worked very hard to create a great relationship with the prospect and, in the end, the prospect’s boss gave the nod to the competitor. Although disappointed, the seller was not deterred. She checked in with her prospect monthly to see if there was anything she could do to help and to see how satisfied the decision-maker was with the selected vendor. Six months into the contract, the vendor chosen was not delivering according to promised service levels. The decision maker didn’t think it would improve. The seller saw the opportunity and offered to take the project over. The prospect not only agreed but also was thankful to have the project get back on track! That resulted in a six-figure sale. The moral of the story…these sales can still be yours…but only if you stay in touch!

Further, situations change and projects previously on hold can come off hold. Reach out now so you will be top of mind when prospects are ready to spend!


I’ve heard many people saying the year is over and it’s time to think about next year. While those people coast through 4th quarter YOU have the opportunity to finish the year strong!

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