When You Can’t Get the Sale to Close

When You Can’t Get the Sale to Close

Have you ever had a great initial prospect meeting, followed up diligently and then despite your best efforts, can’t get the sale to close? It’s a frustrating part of sales and it happens to almost everyone. Here are some tips to help you keep the sale moving. Ask...

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Is Your Seller Maniacally Methodical?

Is Your Seller Maniacally Methodical?

Is the salesperson you rely on to meet your goals (perhaps it’s you!) maniacally methodical? After running a company for almost 20 years whose primary focus is to get our clients in the door with their important prospects (Door Opener® Service), that’s what we’ve...

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Relationships Can’t Be Forced

Relationships Can’t Be Forced

Too often salespeople skip relationship building to try to close deals faster. In doing so they risk losing sales to competitors willing to put in the time to create relationships. Before blaming sellers for sloppy salesmanship, look at management to see if anything...

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Prospects are People, Too!

Prospects are People, Too!

What's another word for a decision maker in a sales situation? It is a prospect, a lead or a potential client, etc. These are all names we use to describe those we want to buy from us. However, something is missing from these words. It’s the human element. We need to...

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The New Paradigm of Selling

The New Paradigm of Selling

We can’t control the economic climate we work in, but we can face it and make the most of it. Ten years ago, you could offer to save a company 10 percent on a product or service, and that might have been enough to close the sale. Now, that kind of savings is not worth...

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When Your Prospect Chose Someone Else

When Your Prospect Chose Someone Else

I was recently training a client’s sales team. One seller asked me for ideas on keeping in touch with a prospect AFTER he was told “no”. He had competed for an RFP and was not awarded the business despite developing a great relationship with the prospect. I suggested...

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Consistency or Else! Stories of Lost Sales

Consistency or Else! Stories of Lost Sales

Consistency earns the respect of decision makers, a necessity for growing relationships that lead to sales. On a flight to Dallas, I met a high level decision maker from a Fortune 500 company. I asked her what she liked and didn’t like about sales people to get her...

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Know Your Decision Maker

Know Your Decision Maker

I was recently asked, “What is your single favorite piece of sales advice?” Here it is. Have a healthy respect and empathy for decision makers. These days decision makers are doing more than just their jobs. In the corporate world, many companies are still adjusting...

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