A Surprisingly Great Time to Connect Directly With Senior Corporate Execs

meetings with your ideal prospects

Who likes to work on the weekends? No one does. Who does work on the weekends? Senior level corporate decision makers do.

More and more we’re finding the high level execs plugged in on weekends.

It’s not just the teenagers who are glued to their devices. I was recently speaking with one high ranking person from Verizon.  He told me that he always clears out his own in-box on Sundays.

On weekdays his protocol is to have his assistant filter through all of his email.  She has been empowered to make decisions as to the information he sees, the information that is passed on to other departments and the information that is deleted.

On weekends, the protocol is different. He filters through his own emails, seeing notes he would otherwise not see on days when he is more relaxed, open to new ideas. He also clears out his own voice mail at that time.

What does that mean for Business Owners looking to connect directly with decision makers? Here’s your opportunity!

If you’ve been reading this blog you know that the primary service offering of my company is getting our clients in the door for initial meetings with high level corporate decision makers. One very successful tactic we employ is connecting with decision makers by email and phone on Sunday. Of course we create a customized message which includes the reason why the meeting would be of great value for the executive. We also deliver the message in a way that is meaningful for the prospect.

Further, we let the decision maker know we will reach out to the assistant on Monday morning at 9 and we ask him/her to give the assistant permission to put a meeting on the calendar. By the time our Door Openers® diligently follow up, the assistant is ready for our call. This has been very successful in getting meetings with hard to reach senior executives.

Try it!  You can bet your competition won’t!

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