7 Tips To Boost Sales in August

7 Tips To Boost Sales in August

Make the most of your summer by seizing new business opportunities while your competition plays miniature golf! While it’s true that most people do vacation in August, I don’t know anyone who goes away for 4 weeks straight! What does this mean for you? It means people...

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When to Give Up on a Prospect

When to Give Up on a Prospect

When decision makers say, “No thank you," should you keep trying or cut your losses?  My experience is that as long as the prospect is someone whom your research indicates is an “A” level prospect there is no reason to give up, unless you receive new information that...

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Personalization Counts When Prospecting

Personalization Counts When Prospecting

It sounds like a no-brainer, doesn’t it? We personalize our conversations all day long with the people we know. It comes to us as naturally as reaching for our first cup of coffee in the morning. Yet, in all my years of selling and coaching others to sell,...

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Not Getting Enough Prospect Meetings? Here’s Why!

Not Getting Enough Prospect Meetings? Here’s Why!

If I had a dime for every business leader who says, “When we are in front of the right prospects we close sales most of the time, we just need to get in front of more prospects!” I would be a VERY wealthy woman. Why hold off making changes or trying something new that...

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Getting the Most from Prospect Meetings

Getting the Most from Prospect Meetings

It's not easy to get a meeting with a decision maker. So when you have one, it had better go well! Have you ever finished a meeting and wished you achieved a better outcome, gotten further into the discussion or secured better next steps? We call this "the valuable...

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Three Proven Strategies to Prevent Prospect Silence

Three Proven Strategies to Prevent Prospect Silence

  In sales, there is nothing more frustrating than waiting to hear back from a prospect. We’ve all been there—spent time researching a potential client, had great meetings, agreed on next steps and then nothing, nada, just silence. Rather than dealing with prospect...

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When You Can’t Get the Sale to Close

When You Can’t Get the Sale to Close

Have you ever had a great initial prospect meeting, followed up diligently and then despite your best efforts, can’t get the sale to close? It’s a frustrating part of sales and it happens to almost everyone. Here are some tips to help you keep the sale moving. Ask...

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Expert Jack Daly endorses Kopp’s Door Opener® Service

“We have finally found an outsource Door Opening Service that works!” Jack Daly is a sales and sales management expert who has led sales forces numbering in the thousands, operating out of hundreds of offices nationwide. Click below to hear Jack discuss how the Door...

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