Right Message, Right Situation

Right Message, Right Situation

A sales message designed for one situation will not necessarily work well in another. For example, you may have perfected your 30-second elevator speech (or “30-second commercial,” as it’s often called). This works great if you are actually in an elevator and have...

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Your Message Sucks…Here’s Why

Your Message Sucks…Here’s Why

While most of us need a second chance now and then in life, there are rarely second chances in business development. You can’t call a busy vice president or CEO a second time and say, “Hey, our first conversation really didn’t go the way that I wanted it to. Can we...

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What else? Who else? What’s bigger than that?

What else? Who else? What’s bigger than that?

Maximizing relationships means you find ways to get new dollars from existing clients. Generally speaking, you want to work to increase your share of sale with your clients that may need more from you. You want to purposefully work toward getting a bigger “piece of...

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The New Paradigm of Selling

The New Paradigm of Selling

We can’t control the economic climate we work in, but we can face it and make the most of it. Ten years ago, you could offer to save a company 10 percent on a product or service, and that might have been enough to close the sale. Now, that kind of savings is not worth...

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What’s Better…Transactional or Consultative Selling?

What’s Better…Transactional or Consultative Selling?

What’s better, consultative or transactional selling? It depends on the situation and the company’s goals. The problem comes when you need one approach and miss sales because you have the other. As an example, a seller can sell one item to one decision maker OR sell...

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Know Your Decision Maker

Know Your Decision Maker

I was recently asked, “What is your single favorite piece of sales advice?” Here it is. Have a healthy respect and empathy for decision makers. These days decision makers are doing more than just their jobs. In the corporate world, many companies are still adjusting...

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Avoiding the ‘Big Black Hole’ of Business Proposals II

Avoiding the ‘Big Black Hole’ of Business Proposals II

In Part 1 of Avoiding the 'Big Black Hole' of Business Proposals, I covered the first two steps that will help you receive a well-earned request for a proposal including what to do in the Pre-Proposal Stage and how to Structure Your Proposal. This week we will explore...

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Avoiding the ‘Big Black Hole’ of Business Proposals I

Avoiding the ‘Big Black Hole’ of Business Proposals I

Have you experienced the 'Big Black Hole' of the sales process? It's like this: You receive a well-earned request for a proposal, spend precious time crafting it, hit “send” and anxiously await a response. And then surprise, surprise, you’re rewarded with nothing but...

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