Jump Start Relationships During Virtual Prospect Meetings!

video conference

Have you noticed that more and more prospect meetings are being held by conference call? With technology hiccups, people talking over each other and calls that drop, how do we make sure that the time we spend on these calls is the most productive time possible? Time with prospects is like valuable real estate. It’s important to use every moment wisely. Here are a few tips you can employ ahead of the call and at the beginning of the call:

Ahead of the meeting:

1. Send meeting invites along with an agenda, reminding prospects why they said “yes” to the meeting. Confirm the meeting the day before, again, reminding prospects why they said “yes!” This reduces rescheduling!

2. Ask for the prospect’s cell phone number at the time the meeting is booked. You can say, “In case the tech fails, we will be able to communicate directly.” By doing this you will not only have their number, but you will also have permission to use it! If the prospect is late to the meeting, text that you are on the line and ask if they can join.

3. Prepare for the “accordion meeting.” Just as accordions expand and retract, so must your agenda when technical glitches or other delays occur. Since your goal is always to get a next step with date and time at the end of the meeting, make sure to flex the discussion to leave time to lock it in! If requesting a full meeting is not an appropriate next step, you can always ask for a 10-minute check in call instead.

At the start of the meeting:

While you’re waiting for others to join the call or resolve tech issues, start with impactful icebreaker questions instead of misusing time discussing the weather. Thanks to Danny Rosin, President and Co-founder of Brand Fuel, for these great ice breaker questions to launch more meaningful conversations! Danny recommends:

  1. Is there anything memorable or meaningful that has happened to you recently?
  2. What is something you learned recently that is worth sharing?
  3. What are you hoping to accomplish in your job this year?
  4. If income was not an issue, what would you spend your time doing?
  5. Do you get to do something at work that you love? If so, what?

Danny says, “Here’s to really getting to know each other so we can do more stuff that matters, like helping each other.”

Prospects and co-workers alike will thank you for utilizing every minute for meaningful interactions. You will develop deeper relationships and get further with sales conversations. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you!

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