SmartCEO Names Kopp Consulting a Future 50 Award Winner

Smart CEOs Future 50 Awards

“I am so proud that Kopp Consulting was named a New Jersey SmartCEO Future 50 winner”  – Caryn Kopp, Chief Door Opener

The Future 50 Awards program is the largest SmartCEO awards program of the year, honoring companies that represent the future of the region’s economy and embody the entrepreneurial spirit critical for leadership and success. The 2016 Future 50 winners collectively generate $5.2 billion in annual revenue and employ 14,960 individuals in New Jersey. SmartCEO’s mission is to educate and inspire the business community through its award-winning magazine, connections at C-level events and access to valuable online resources.

This award is a true reflection of our Door Opener® team’s unique ability to get initial meetings with high level prospects and consistently provide our clients with new sales opportunities. When clients achieve success like adding over $5,000,000 in new revenue to their businesses, increase close ratios from 20% to 48% and tell us we help them make selling easier, we know we’re doing things right!

Jaime Nespor-Zawmon, President of SmartCEO Events says that you can ask any CEO and they’ll tell you that leading a fast-growing company is one of the most challenging and fun things an entrepreneur can do. Whether they’re just starting out or rapidly trying to scale an established operation, this year’s Future 50 winners have executed their growth visions year after year, created job opportunities and made our region a better place to work and live.

Tags: Awards

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