Does Your Sales Message Cause Prospect FOMO?

Does Your Sales Message Cause Prospect FOMO?

FOMO is an acronym for Fear Of Missing Out. This term, popular amongst college students, applies to adults too. It is the feeling that even though the calendar is full of important events and responsibilities, there’s something else more enticing, more urgent, that...

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Clean Up At Conferences with 3 Overlooked Sales Strategies

Clean Up At Conferences with 3 Overlooked Sales Strategies

Over the last year I’ve heard several stories about lost sales opportunities. Many occurred as a direct result of post-conference oversights that could have been avoided. It happens too often. Join me by shaking your head as you read the story below. Then, vow to...

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The 5 Planks of Door Opening Success

The 5 Planks of Door Opening Success

The perfect pipeline includes a consistent incoming flow of new prospect relationships with the exact right decision makers. Most business leaders and sellers say they can close sales most the time when they are in front of the right prospects. The problem is they...

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Do you have a (professional) New Year’s resolution?

Do you have a (professional) New Year’s resolution?

Many make personal resolutions to ring in the New Year. But have you considered making a professional resolution as well? Each year business leaders and upper management set annual goals that often include things like 'grow top-line revenue' or 'meet more prospects'...

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December is a Great Time of Year to Reach Decision-Makers!

December is a Great Time of Year to Reach Decision-Makers!

Why spend the last two weeks of December cleaning your office when you could be filling next year’s pipeline with new business? Most business leaders and salespeople believe that trying to reach prospects at year-end is pointless and instead spend time getting...

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Is There Cheese Down that Tunnel?

Is There Cheese Down that Tunnel?

Even with a team of rock star sellers, it can be very tricky to figure out the exact recipe for business development that works for your company. The world seems to offer every kind of business development program imaginable – email marketing without calls, email...

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Fix the Right Sales Problem

Fix the Right Sales Problem

For many, fourth quarter can be a time to reflect on decisions made over the last year. What worked, what didn’t? What to continue doing to meet your goals and what to stop doing? As you may be embarking on this kind of reflection as well, I thought it would be...

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25 Years of Opening Prospect Doors – What I’ve Learned

25 Years of Opening Prospect Doors – What I’ve Learned

By Caryn Kopp, Chief Door Opener® at Kopp Consulting, LLC I'm proud to announce that Kopp Consulting and our popular Door Opener® Service (we get our clients in the door with their prospects for the first meeting) just completed our 25th year in business. What began...

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